إنشاء رسوم متحركة لطيفة لعبارة "أنا أحبك"
الكود المقدم هو مستند HTML يتضمن عنوانًا للصفحة، ورابطًا لملف تنسيقات CSS، ورابطًا لملف JavaScript. كما يحتوي على حاوية (container) تحتوي على عنصر SVG وعنصر div. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، هناك عنصران صوتيان (audio) يحتويان على وسوم <source></source> لتحديد ملفات الصوت.
<div class="container"> <svg class="svg-container" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 500 200"> <line class="line line--left" x1="10" y1="17" x2="10" y2="183"> </line> <line class="line line--rght" x1="490" y1="17" x2="490" y2="183"> </line> <g> <path class="lttr lttr--I" d="M42.2,73.9h11.4v52.1H42.2V73.9z"></path> <path class="lttr lttr--L" d="M85.1,73.9h11.4v42.1h22.8v10H85.1V73.9z"></path> <path class="lttr lttr--O" d="M123.9,100c0-15.2,11.7-26.9,27.2-26.9s27.2,11.7,27.2,26.9s-11.7,26.9-27.2,26.9S123.9,115.2,123.9,100zM166.9,100c0-9.2-6.8-16.5-15.8-16.5c-9,0-15.8,7.3-15.8,16.5s6.8,16.5,15.8,16.5C160.1,116.5,166.9,109.2,166.9,100z"> </path> <path class="lttr lttr--V" d="M180.7,73.9H193l8.4,22.9c1.7,4.7,3.5,9.5,5,14.2h0.1c1.7-4.8,3.4-9.4,5.2-14.3l8.6-22.8h11.7l-19.9,52.1h-11.5L180.7,73.9z"></path> <path class="lttr lttr--E" d="M239.1,73.9h32.2v10h-20.7v10.2h17.9v9.5h-17.9v12.4H272v10h-33V73.9z"></path> <path class="lttr lttr--Y" d="M315.8,102.5l-20.1-28.6H309l6.3,9.4c2,3,4.2,6.4,6.3,9.6h0.1c2-3.2,4.1-6.4,6.3-9.6l6.3-9.4h12.9l-19.9,28.5v23.6h-11.4V102.5z"></path> <path class="lttr lttr--O2" d="M348.8,100c0-15.2,11.7-26.9,27.2-26.9c15.5,0,27.2,11.7,27.2,26.9s-11.7,26.9-27.2,26.9C360.5,126.9,348.8,115.2,348.8,100z M391.8,100c0-9.2-6.8-16.5-15.8-16.5c-9,0-15.8,7.3-15.8,16.5s6.8,16.5,15.8,16.5C385,116.5,391.8,109.2,391.8,100z"></path> <path class="lttr lttr--U" d="M412.4,101.1V73.9h11.4v26.7c0,10.9,2.4,15.9,11.5,15.9c8.4,0,11.4-4.6,11.4-15.8V73.9h11v26.9c0,7.8-1.1,13.5-4,17.7c-3.7,5.3-10.4,8.4-18.7,8.4c-8.4,0-15.1-3.1-18.8-8.5C413.4,114.2,412.4,108.5,412.4,101.1z"></path> </g> </svg> <div class="mo-container"> </div> </div> <audio class="blup" style="display: none"> <source src="https://www.freesound.org/data/previews/265/265115_4373976-lq.mp3" type="audio/ogg"> </audio> <audio class="blop" style="display: none"> <source src="https://www.freesound.org/data/previews/265/265115_4373976-lq.mp3" type="audio/ogg"> </audio> <div class="sound">sound</div> <!-- partial --> <script src='https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/mojs/latest/mo.min.js'></script><script src="./script.js"></script>
هذا المقتطف المختصر من CSS يحدد أنماطًا لعناصر HTML. وهو يضمن نماذج صندوقية متسقة، ومركزة المحتوى أفقياً وعمودياً، ويحدد لون خلفية داكن (#282a36)، ويحدد حجم الخط وعائلة الخط، ويشتمل على استعلام وسائط للشاشات الأصغر. تحدد فئة .container حاوية ذات موضع نسبي، بينما تحدد فئة .line خصائص الحدود للخطوط. تملأ فئة .lttr الحروف بلون أزرق فاتح (#a5b9c7)، وتحدد فئة .sound موضعها الثابت ولونها وحجم الخط. تطبق فئة .sound--off نمط خط من خلال النص. بشكل عام، يتم إنشاء تخطيط جذاب بصريًا!
*, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } html, body { min-height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: #282a36; font-size: 62.5%; font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } @media screen and (max-width: 520px) { html, body { /* don't know how to set default units to rem in mojs :(( */ } } .container { width: 50rem; height: 20rem; position: relative; } .svg-container { z-index: 2; position: absolute; } .mo-container { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .line { fill: none; stroke: #ffffff; stroke-width: 8; stroke-linecap: round; stroke-miterlimit: 10; } .lttr { fill: #a5b9c7; } .sound { position: fixed; color: #a5b9c7; font-size: 1.6rem; bottom: 1rem; right: 1rem; text-decoration: underline; cursor: default; } .sound--off { text-decoration: line-through; }
يقوم هذا الكود JavaScript بإنشاء الرسوم المتحركة المطلوبة لـ I LOVE YOU.
const qs = document.querySelector.bind(document); const easingHeart = mojs.easing.path( "M0,100C2.9,86.7,33.6-7.3,46-7.3s15.2,22.7,26,22.7S89,0,100,0"); const el = { container: qs(".mo-container"), i: qs(".lttr--I"), l: qs(".lttr--L"), o: qs(".lttr--O"), v: qs(".lttr--V"), e: qs(".lttr--E"), y: qs(".lttr--Y"), o2: qs(".lttr--O2"), u: qs(".lttr--U"), lineLeft: qs(".line--left"), lineRight: qs(".line--rght"), colTxt: "#763c8c", colHeart: "#fa4843", blup: qs(".blup"), blop: qs(".blop"), sound: qs(".sound") }; class Heart extends mojs.CustomShape { getShape() { return '<path d="M50,88.9C25.5,78.2,0.5,54.4,3.8,31.1S41.3,1.8,50,29.9c8.7-28.2,42.8-22.2,46.2,1.2S74.5,78.2,50,88.9z"/>'; } getLength() { return 200; }} mojs.addShape("heart", Heart); const crtBoom = (delay = 0, x = 0, rd = 46) => { parent = el.container; const crcl = new mojs.Shape({ shape: "circle", fill: "none", stroke: el.colTxt, strokeWidth: { 5: 0 }, radius: { [rd]: [rd + 20] }, easing: "quint.out", duration: 500 / 3, parent, delay, x }); const brst = new mojs.Burst({ radius: { [rd + 15]: 110 }, angle: "rand(60, 180)", count: 3, timeline: { delay }, parent, x, children: { radius: [5, 3, 7], fill: el.colTxt, scale: { 1: 0, easing: "quad.in" }, pathScale: [0.8, null], degreeShift: ["rand(13, 60)", null], duration: 1000 / 3, easing: "quint.out" } }); return [crcl, brst]; }; const crtLoveTl = () => { const move = 1000; const boom = 200; const easing = "sin.inOut"; const easingBoom = "sin.in"; const easingOut = "sin.out"; const opts = { duration: move, easing, opacity: 1 }; const delta = 150; return new mojs.Timeline().add([ new mojs.Tween({ duration: move, onStart: () => { [el.i, el.l, el.o, el.v, el.e, el.y, el.o2, el.u].forEach(el => { el.style.opacity = 1; el.style = "transform: translate(0px, 0px) rotate(0deg) skew(0deg, 0deg) scale(1, 1); opacity: 1;"; }); }, onComplete: () => { [el.l, el.o, el.v, el.e].forEach(el => el.style.opacity = 0); el.blop.play(); } }), new mojs.Tween({ duration: move * 2 + boom, onComplete: () => { [el.y, el.o2].forEach(el => el.style.opacity = 0); el.blop.play(); } }), new mojs.Tween({ duration: move * 3 + boom * 2 - delta, onComplete: () => { el.i.style.opacity = 0; el.blop.play(); } }), new mojs.Tween({ duration: move * 3 + boom * 2, onComplete: () => { el.u.style.opacity = 0; el.blup.play(); } }), new mojs.Tween({ duration: 50, delay: 4050, onUpdate: progress => { [el.i, el.l, el.o, el.v, el.e, el.y, el.o2, el.u].forEach(el => { el.style = `transform: translate(0px, 0px) rotate(0deg) skew(0deg, 0deg) scale(1, 1); opacity: ${ 1 * progress };`; }); }, onComplete: () => { [el.i, el.l, el.o, el.v, el.e, el.y, el.o2, el.u].forEach(el => { el.style.opacity = 1; el.style = "transform: translate(0px, 0px) rotate(0deg) skew(0deg, 0deg) scale(1, 1); opacity: 1;"; }); } }), new mojs.Html({ ...opts, el: el.lineLeft, x: { 0: 52 } }). then({ duration: boom + move, easing, x: { to: 52 + 54 } }). then({ duration: boom + move, easing, x: { to: 52 + 54 + 60 } }). then({ duration: 150, // 3550 easing, x: { to: 52 + 54 + 60 + 10 } }). then({ duration: 300 }). then({ duration: 350, x: { to: 0 }, easing: easingOut }), new mojs.Html({ ...opts, el: el.lineRight, x: { 0: -52 } }). then({ duration: boom + move, easing, x: { to: -52 - 54 } }). then({ duration: boom + move, easing, x: { to: -52 - 54 - 60 } }). then({ duration: 150, easing, x: { to: -52 - 54 - 60 - 10 } }). then({ duration: 300 }). then({ duration: 350, x: { to: 0 }, easing: easingOut }), new mojs.Html({ // [I] LOVE YOU ...opts, el: el.i, x: { 0: 34 } }). then({ duration: boom, easing: easingBoom, x: { to: 34 + 19 } }). then({ duration: move, easing, x: { to: 34 + 19 + 40 } }). then({ duration: boom, easing: easingBoom, x: { to: 34 + 19 + 40 + 30 } }). then({ duration: move, easing, x: { to: 34 + 19 + 40 + 30 + 30 } }), new mojs.Html({ // I [L]OVE YOU ...opts, el: el.l, x: { 0: 15 } }), new mojs.Html({ // I L[O]VE YOU ...opts, el: el.o, x: { 0: 11 } }), new mojs.Html({ // I LO[V]E YOU ...opts, el: el.v, x: { 0: 3 } }), new mojs.Html({ // I LOV[E] YOU ...opts, el: el.e, x: { 0: -3 } }), new mojs.Html({ // I LOVE [Y]OU ...opts, el: el.y, x: { 0: -20 } }). then({ duration: boom, easing: easingBoom, x: { to: -20 - 33 } }). then({ duration: move, easing, x: { to: -20 - 33 - 24 } }), new mojs.Html({ // I LOVE Y[O]U ...opts, el: el.o2, x: { 0: -27 } }). then({ duration: boom, easing: easingBoom, x: { to: -27 - 27 } }). then({ duration: move, easing, x: { to: -27 - 27 - 30 } }), new mojs.Html({ // I LOVE YO[U] ...opts, el: el.u, x: { 0: -32 } }). then({ duration: boom, easing: easingBoom, x: { to: -32 - 21 } }). then({ duration: move, easing, x: { to: -32 - 21 - 36 } }). then({ duration: boom, easing: easingBoom, x: { to: -32 - 21 - 36 - 31 } }). then({ duration: move, easing, x: { to: -32 - 21 - 36 - 31 - 27 } }), new mojs.Shape({ parent: el.container, shape: "heart", delay: move, fill: el.colHeart, x: -64, scale: { 0: 0.95, easing: easingHeart }, duration: 500 }). then({ x: { to: -62, easing }, scale: { to: 0.65, easing }, duration: boom + move - 500 }). then({ duration: boom - 50, x: { to: -62 + 48 }, scale: { to: 0.9 }, easing: easingBoom }). then({ duration: 125, scale: { to: 0.8 }, easing: easingOut }). then({ duration: 125, scale: { to: 0.85 }, easing: easingOut }). then({ duration: move - 200, scale: { to: 0.45 }, easing }). then({ delay: -75, duration: 150, x: { to: 0 }, scale: { to: 0.9 }, easing: easingBoom }). then({ duration: 125, scale: { to: 0.8 }, easing: easingOut }). then({ duration: 125, // 3725 scale: { to: 0.85 }, easing: easingOut }). then({ duration: 125 // 3850 }). then({ duration: 350, scale: { to: 0 }, easing: easingOut }), ...crtBoom(move, -64, 46), ...crtBoom(move * 2 + boom, 18, 34), ...crtBoom(move * 3 + boom * 2 - delta, -64, 34), ...crtBoom(move * 3 + boom * 2, 45, 34)]); }; const loveTl = crtLoveTl().play(); setInterval(() => { loveTl.replay(); }, 4300); const volume = 0.2; el.blup.volume = volume; el.blop.volume = volume; const toggleSound = () => { let on = true; return () => { if (on) { el.blup.volume = 0.0; el.blop.volume = 0.0; el.sound.classList.add("sound--off"); } else { el.blup.volume = volume; el.blop.volume = volume; el.sound.classList.remove("sound--off"); } on = !on; }; }; el.sound.addEventListener("click", toggleSound());